AGRIFORVALOR is designed to develop networks that will connect actors that produce, manage and exploit biological resources in Agricultural and Forest chains with RTDs and Academia from multi- disciplinary fields (chemical, biotechnological, energy) as well as...
AGRIFORVALOR is designed to develop networks that will connect actors that produce, manage and exploit biological resources in Agricultural and Forest chains with RTDs and Academia from multi- disciplinary fields (chemical, biotechnological, energy) as well as bio-industry SMEs. This multi-actor approach will through the sharing of technological innovations, best practice cases and RDI results close the research and innovation divide creating new opportunities for economic partnerships between agricultural, forestry, bio industry and innovation support service organizations. AGRIFORVALOR ‘s focus on the transfer of know-how and information will enable and support farmers and foresters to exploit existing research results and facilitate the capture of grass root ideas for bio-industry development. AGRIFORVALOR will also provide practitioners with enterprise development skills and facilitate organizational innovations leading to the development of novel production chains that will contribute to an economically viable and sustainable development in agriculture, forestry and rural areas in toward enhancement of an EU Bioecomony.
AGRIFORVALOR ‘s co-ordination and support actions will be implemented via Biomass Innovation Design Hubs located within 3 rural and coastal communities across Europe providing greater opportunities for agro-forester diversification lines with local and regional Development plans.
GrowAbric is a partner in a Horizon2020 project, and shall design and create an innovative online platform.
expected start date: February 2016